Wednesday Afternoon Club (WAC)

The Wednesday Afternoon Club (WAC for short), which began as the Horsmonden Darby & Joan Club in 1954, provides an opportunity, especially for those who might otherwise have limited social interaction, to meet friends for company, activity, entertainment and a good natter.
We meet on the first, third and, if there is one, fifth Wednesdays in the month, in the Social Club from 2 to 4pm.
Our activities include bingo, quizzes, gentle keep fit, talks and musical entertainment (with a bit of singing and dancing thrown in), and there’s always a raffle and, most importantly, tea and cake. We have a Christmas Dinner in December, a tea party to welcome in the New Year and, if we can find an excuse, a special cream tea in the summer.
Membership is £10 per annum (March to February) and we ask for £1 for tea at each meeting.
It is inevitable that we lose members over time, but we hope to have new people joining us regularly too: they bring new energy and ideas, and we continue to evolve as our membership rolls forward. If you would like to give us a try, just come along to one of our meetings or, for more information see below…
Barbara Anderson on 07940 184042
Jan Cobley on 07525 967264