St Margaret’s Church

Oast House Archive / Church of St Margaret, Horsmonden / CC BY-SA 2.0

St Margaret’s is a lively rural church with a warmly welcoming and committed congregation.

Those who worship in the church are active members of the local community, and there is a strong sense of joint investment in our parish church. We offer a wide range of worship services and activities in the church and the village.


  • A Holy Communion Service in traditional language at 10.00am, the first Sunday of the month
  • A Worship for All Service on the second Sunday of the month at 10.00am, which is a more informal service including activities for children and families.
  • A Holy Communion Service in modern language at 10.00am, the third Sunday of the month
  • An Informal Worship Service on the fourth Sunday of the month at 10.00am.
  • Where there is a fifth Sunday, we meet in one of the four local churches for a Joint Service of Holy Communion at 10.00am


  • The Well@5, an informal gathering in the Social Club every third Sunday of the month at 5pm, for discussion, song and activities around a theme.
  • Woodland Connect, an outdoor activity morning for children with their carers, held in woods on the edge of the village on the first Sunday of the month 10.30am-12.30pm, involving den building, games, cooking on a fire and more!
  • Playtime, held in the St Margaret’s Church Hall behind the Rectory every Thursday in term time, 9.30-11.00am, for under-fives and their carers.
  • Youth Club, held in the St Margaret’s Church Hall behind the Rectory every Friday in term time, 5.00-7.00pm, for year 6 children upwards.

Regular church-community events include: assemblies at the school covering a bible story, joint services on the Green for Remembrance Day, Good Friday, and at the Horsmonden Summer Festival; a Christmas Tree Festival; a Time to Remember service to remember those loved ones who have died; specific WW2 events with the Nostalgia Group, and joint music and theatre events in the church.


Just contact us on the details below if you want to find out more.

If you are nearby, please do visit us, whether it is just to look around a well-preserved Church building with plenty of history, to admire the splendid views from the Churchyard or to join with us for a Service of Worship.

St Margaret’s is a 14th Century building and is covered from an historical perspective in the Museum section.